This is a footwear-free family growing one heck of a garden and enjoying this moment of pause that allows them to enjoy each other. Jamie, who is as warm-hearted as the golden sun we were taking in, tells me the garden is Jay's new project since he is out of work and needs something to do. Jay is one of the hardest working people I know. He typically has hustles on hustles. On top of his day job he does leatherwork and sewing and right before this outbreak he had approached me to take some photos for his band, Morning Drive. So, it was nice to see him somewhat relaxed. He was still the ever-vigilant super dad and in moments, would move with speed and grace to protect his kids from themselves. Everyone was in good spirits and hopeful that this would be over soon, but not too soon. I told them I was hoping for a small window to travel in, and we talked about how cheap it would be to go to Hawaii or Iceland right now. We also speculated about how commercial travel may never be the same. But, I tell almost everyone this: the best part of this project is getting to interact with people, even if it’s from 6 feet away