There are some truly wonderful and caring people in the world; Lauren is one of them. She was a total stranger when I met her for the shoot. She was cracking jokes from the get-go. I thought I was the one trying to put people at ease. We talked a bunch about work, and it turned out we had some mutual acquaintances. Before our chat was over I could tell she was an “always helpful” kind of person. There’s only one flaw to always being helpful people; they seldom take time to help themselves. Ask me how I know. So do me a favour if you know Lauren, support her to make sure she is dreaming big enough. Remind her she is capable and valuable.
Her daughter plans to be president one day. I don’t doubt it. I met three young women with that aspiration last month. How cool is that?
This a duo. Duos are a special kind of family, one dear to my heart. If you have never been part of a duo it’s difficult to understand the deep level of friendship and the “us against the world” bond that forms. Every tough time strengthens the resolve and every good time amplifies because of the intimate knowledge of how hard it was to get there.